Applications of Gold Concentrator-Forui Gold Concentrator

Applications of Gold Concentrator-Forui Gold Concentrator

It is known that gold concentration is perhaps the oldest mineral processing activity worldwide. Although copper concentration is tempting enough, the gold concentration has attracted people of different regions and social status toward its recovery. Topic about gold recovery is a subject about the gold process to be used and the gold concentrator to be used. The gold concentrator has passed through a slow evolution since the first gold concentrator used for its recovery.

The gold concentrator to be used in the recovery of free gold comprise the gravity separator which have been used in the recovery of free gold since people recognized the important role of gold as source of power and treasure. They knew the principle and made use of the difference in specific gravity between gold and other metals or minerals.

Gravity concentration is the most important way of gold concentration. And the jig separator is the first choice as a gold concentrator for gold concentration. With the development and research of gravity separation plants, chutes, jiggers, table concentrators and gold centrifugal separators have ever turned up, and jiggers prove to be the ideal gold concentrator for the first rough separation to gain high grade gold concentrate.

We would like to cooperate with you with our high quality gold concentrator and other mining equipment. Your visit to Forui will be highly appreciated for further cooperation. ... Free test can be done with our gold concentrator if samples about 20kg can be available, and detailed flow sheet can be designed with enough details about gold ore known.

Forui gravity concentrator (jig machine) includes gold concentrator, tin extraction machine, iron seprator, manganese concentrator, etc. You won't fail to get the right gold concentrator in Forui Machinery.

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