Working Principle of Jig Machine

jig machine is a compact and efficient gravity device which is utilized throughout the world for recovery of a wide range of minerals.It can separated the liberated(free) heavy mineral from light mineral by the means of specific gravity.

Application of jig machine

The jig machine is widely used in the beneficiation of non-metal mineral,metal mineral and smelting slag.The processing material is as following:

Non-metal mineral: barite ore, fluorite ore,garnet ore,celestite

metal mineral: manganese ore, antomy ore,chromite ore,tin ore,lead ore,scheelite ore, wolframite,iron ore,copper ore

precious mineral:gold,diamond, zircon ore,tantalite ore,columbite ore

principle of  jig machine

When we feed the minerals to the jig machine, the separating minerals layer will be formed on the sieve in the jigging chamber. that is the so called jigging bed. under the action of upward and downward water ,the bed is alternately pushed upward and fell back, and the particles of different density mutually move on its height: with small density-into upper layers, with big density- into bottom layers. The formed layers of different density are separately removed as a concentrate, tailing.

worksite of jig machine

Gongyi Forui Machinery is the professional manufacturer of jig machine in China.  We have build and operated the jig machine for over 20 years. we have complete models of jig machine for your different application.

If any enquiry, please contact us at:
Tel: +86-371-64391589
Mob& Whatsapp: +86-18037167566
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